There Is a Myth in The Advertising Community That You Must Pay For Advertising!
Bunk! Have you seen those radio ads where you contact station "WXYZ" or write "box 5555" at the same station. These are most likely "Per Inquiry" ads where their advertiser is paying for
results - an actual sale in this case - PI, or per inquiry advertising.
In the online community, performance based advertising is often done through
affiliate programs. There is a popular bookseller that had one of the earliest
affiliate programs.One of the first if not the first affiliate program!
They had a goal to reach 100000's of customers as quickly
as possible. They realized that these people surfed 10000's of websites
- virtual golf stores, toy stores, music stores, law offices, etc. They wanted a
way to reach these customers. They hit upon a brilliant idea!
Why not offer these site owners $$$ if they direct customers from their sites to
the booksellers site, if they subsequently buy on that visit.
In fact, the bookseller would even supply marketing materials, like banners, to
put on their sites. This was brilliant! Now, this is a win-win situation.
Benefit to affiliate
- increased credibility to their website. Since the bookseller
has a good reputation, and a good brand, surfers would have increased regard for the
affiliates site.
- money - the book seller pays the affiliate if the visitor buys something
a percentage of the sale!
- No back end! Shrewd marketers know that the back end is worth tons of money
compared to the initial purchase. The model outlined above, makes no provision for the back end.
The back end is so valuable that marketers are often willing to lose $$$ on the first sale to
get that customer.
No credit for sending visitor to site! It would be nice if the customer later
returns on his own to the bookseller, and buys a book, that the original referring affiliate would
get $$$ for having graciously introduced customer to the site! In fact, if the customer did not return from
some other affiliates banner, he should get the full commission.
No ability to make $$$ from sales by your team of affiliates for the program from recruiting other affiliates
for the program. Allowing affiliates to recruit other affiliates for their team makes sense,
since it increases income all around. Since the new affiliate gets a commission, pay the team leader a smaller
additional percentage - maybe 20% of 1st commission additional, and don't penalize the new affiliate!

A far better affiliate program would be one that pays you on every subsequent sale for life, and let you
develop a team of affiliates where you earn a percentage of everything that they sell
for life. For a very good example of a pay for results - affiliate program in which I consider to be
the best in the field, visit this web site - This leads
to a website which teaches you how to write a website that sells. They also have products on converting your
knowledge into an E-book, and setting the Perfect Price for your product or service.
Find the section of the site on their 5Pillar affiliate program. You can sign up for free.
You will be then be given a
free education (which can also be used to promote other affiliate programs), both
on their special affiliate only site, and thru E-mail that is worth, in my opinion,
hundreds of dollars if you had to purchase it yourself. Ken Evoy, the book's author,
does a very good job in creating value for his affiliates. Each affiliate is assigned a unique
affiliate URL, which identifies which affiliate the customer came from.
- Increased credibility to their website. Like the bookseller example above, good branding
should result.
- Money - the book seller pays the affiliate if the visitor buys something -
a percentage of the sale!
- Lifetime customer. Once the customer clicks thru or otherwise visits the homesite, a cookie is placed
on the surfers computer and other methods are used to keep track of whose customer this is, so if surfer returns on own,
the affiliate can make $$$ on a subsequent sale! This is huge! As mentioned before, the Back End can be worth much
more than the initial sale!
- Free Training Unlike many affiliate programs, Ken's program allows you to download
a complete manual. He then sends you a newsletter with sales tips to use to help promote
the products (along with your
accounting information)!
- Ezine sign-up and buy-->$$$. Ken Evoy offers a free E-zine
or electronic newsletter to enhance long term nurturing relationships with customers. If you are not familiar
with electronic newsletters - or E-zine, it comes to you automatically by E-mail,
so you do not have to waste time to go to the worldwide web to get it.
In general, you can unsubscribe at anytime. You can
even read the E-zine off-line anywhere you have a computer that runs windows. You can
be reading it while running some other computer program - a very efficient use of your time!
For a good example of a free e-zine -
Enter your
e-mail address into the box and
click on the "Subscribe" button.
The advantage to the affiliate by getting the customer to subscribe to this E-zine
is that he or she becomes the affiliate's customer, and if this person eventually goes
to the home site and buys an infoproduct, the affiliate gets a commission, even a year later!
It is free, and allows the author to prove that he is an expert!
- Can Develop a Team! ability to make $$$ from sales by your team of
affiliates for the program from recruiting other affiliates
for the program. Ken allows affiliates to recruit other affiliates for their team. This
increases income, all around. When the new affiliate earns a sales commission, the team leader gets
a smaller additional percentage additional, and Ken doesn't penalize the new affiliate for this!
Click here and send a blank e-mail to receive The Affiliate Masters course....It's an
intensive 5-Day e-mail course on becoming a high-earning affiliate champion.
The future. Although Ken appears to have The Ultimate Affiliate Program, I am waiting
to see if he will allow you to make $$$ from not just your immediate team of
affiliates, but a little bit from your team's, team members. I guess Ken did not
want to make that fine line step into Multilevel Marketing!
Click here and visit the 5PillarClub Affiliate Program now in upper right corner!!