Welcome to MALPRACTICELAWYER(tm). We will attempt to provide online access to legal services, including information about malpractice, medical care service information and also information on health care products
Welcome to MALPRACTICELAWYER. MALPRACTICELAWYER specializes in providing online information relevant
to the legal and medical communities.
MALPRACTICELAWYER provides online access to legal
services, medical care service information
and also information on health care products.
MALPRACTICELAWYER is owned and operated by
Harley Kaufman who is both a lawyer and a
Harley Kaufman is a physician (M.D.) and an attorney (J.D.) admitted
to the Bar in four states - New York, Connecticut, New Jersey and
Pennsylvania. He obtained his B.A. degree from Dartmouth College and
his Medical degree from the University of Texas and Law degree from
Brooklyn Law School. He is an author, lecturer and past member of Estates
and Trusts Section of the New York County Lawyers Association, as well
as being a past member of the Committee on Medicine and Mental Health, there,
also. He is Board Certified in Internal Medicine and Nuclear Medicine and
is a Fellow of the American College of Legal Medicine. We will help you utilize new tax loopholes that offer an alternative to professional practice or work!!
Other Legal problems - please contact me and I and my network will try to assist.
Harley D. Kaufman, M.D., Esq.
Attorney at Law - MALPRACTICELAWYER(tm)
For additional information on legal service,
please visit http://firms.findlaw.com/attorneymd. Of course,
although we expect high quality service to be rendered, each user must do their own research
and MALPRACTICELAWYER(tm) cannot be held responsible
for anyone's actions other than its own.
For additional information on other medical
care services and health care products and
services via global computer network, please
E-mail me at the above address.
The information contained in this Internet location is intended to be
current and accurate. However, the information provided here should
not be relied on when making legal decisions without also obtaining
competent legal counsel from a practitioner in your jurisdiction.
The laws as they apply to the subject matter contained herein may
vary from state to state. Harley Kaufman makes no representations
as to the accuracy of information provided as it pertains to the laws
of states other than New York or in New York, until Harley Kaufman
is given a chance to update them for last minute developments.
No attorney-client relationship is to be set-up just by viewing
and interacting on this Internet location.