Free Courses!, an Education About Internet Subjects!
Just follow
the instructions below to sign up for your free courses!!!
AFFILIATE PROGRAMS - although it costs some money to set up, once you
have it going, you pay affiliates for results, - a percentage of the gross sale, only when
a sale is made. Some programs will pay you once,
when the sale is made, but the original company keeps all of the back
end sales that result when that purchaser buys again. A far better program would
be one that pays you on every subsequent sale for life, and let you develop a team of affiliates where you earn a percentage of everything that they sell
for life. For a very good example of a pay for results - affiliate program in which I consider to be
the best in the field, visit this web site -, Now! This leads to a website which teaches
you how to write a website that sells. Find the section of the site on their
5Pillar affiliate program. You can sign up for free. You will be then be given a
free education (which can also be used to promote other affiliate programs), both
on their special affiliate only site, and thru E-mail that is worth, in my opinion,
hundreds of dollars if you had to purchase it yourself. Ken Evoy, the book's author,
does a very good job in creating value for his affiliates. Although you should not
copy it exactly, it is a very good example of a high end value affiliate program
and excellent free course.
You also may want to sign-up for the following!
Click here and send an e-mail to receive The Affiliate Masters course....It's an
intensive 5-Day e-mail course on becoming a high-earning affiliate champion. Please enter "MASTERS" (all capital letters,
without quotes) at the beginning of the
subject line or you will not receive the
course. We do this to eliminate the spambots
that spammers use to spider this address and
spam it. If you do not add MASTERS, the
e-mail is considered spam and will be
deleted, so you won't get the course. So
please... add "MASTERS" to the subject.
Pricing free course. How do you determine the optimum price for your product or service? Did you choose it at random? Did you just decide on how
much profit you need to enjoy a decent life style?
MYPS can help you price it right. How about your existing
products or services. How about future upgrades to them. How about doing a feasibility study
prior to dumping a ton of $$$ into your new business? In short, there are a lot
of uses for this product to help you determine the correct price.
Ken Evoy offers a free course on finding the "Perfect Price" for
your product. It is a high content filled five part course that arrives by
E-mail and can even be downloaded to a floppy and taken to another computer
to be read while doing something else! ( you can also do this with the free
E-zine described below, too!) One of the nice things about the popular computer
operating systems is that, in general, you can run more than one program at once,
so if you are typing a letter, you can switch back and forth to your free course!
This would appear to be a very productive use of your time!.
Click here and send an e-mail to receive The Pricing Masters course... It's an intensive
5-Day e-mail course that shows you how to find the PERFECT
PRICE for your product. Please enter "MASTERS" (all capital letters,
without quotes) at the beginning of the
subject line or you will not receive the
course. We do this to eliminate the spambots
that spammers use to spider this address and
spam it. If you do not add MASTERS, the
e-mail is considered spam and will be
deleted, so you won't get the course. So
please... add "MASTERS" to the subject.
They also offer an affiliate program for Make Your Price Sell.
Please see affiliate program course described above.
This program enables you to make money by promoting the product.
There are some rather unique features, like once a person buys one product,
he is your customer for life. OR even if they merely sign - up for the
free E-zine (or electronic newsletter that comes to you automatically
by E-mail - you can unsubscribe at any time!) Site-Sell, the visitor
is branded so that Ken will remember to give you credit for some
subsequent sales. If you buy the product you are in an excellent
position to market it since you know it better than someone who has not
bought. The 5 Pillar affiliate program is one of the best out there.
It is free, and the affiliates are encouraged, but not required to
buy any product. Make Your Price Sell affiliate program and course is superb!

The free E-zine "SITE-SELL" is actually a course that comes by E-mail.
Unlike the others which are shorter, SITE-SELL is an ongoing "free course."
Topics covered are making your website sell better, tips on improving web
traffic, getting better products, etc.
To sign up for the FREE EZINE -
Enter your
e-mail address into the box and
click on the "Subscribe" button.
Many people with a job have been returned to the past, when slavery was legal. In many jobs, you have to ask when you can eat, wipe, can leave for home, sleep as bossy sets your hours! Would it be fantastic to have freedom of time, to enjoy life, to do things that you want to do how and when you want to do them, with whomever you want to do them with and quit "eeeeeee" kissing bossy's butt. How would you like to finally solve the riddle of time and money. The riddle is that you may have a lot of money but to get a lot of money, you will do a job or business that gives you no time. If you have a lot of time, then you have no $$$ - unemployed. How would you like both - you can, with no job!
Use the knowledge learned in school and make your knowledge sell. Sign-up for the free
course on learning to make your knowledge sell.
Click here and send an e-mail to receive The InfoProduct Masters course... It's an intensive 5 Day E-mail course on creating, producing and online-selling your very own infoproduct. Please enter "MASTERS" (all capital letters,
without quotes) at the beginning of the
subject line or you will not receive the
course. We do this to eliminate the spambots
that spammers use to spider this address and
spam it. If you do not add MASTERS, the
e-mail is considered spam and will be
deleted, so you won't get the course. So
please... add "MASTERS" to the subject.
So, to get your education about internet subjects, click here, Now!