Success: A Spiritual Matter
Do you know there's a thin line between poverty and prosperity, and it has nothing to do with marketing strategies? I'll show you the single, most important secret you'll ever learn on how to get all that you truly deserve. Give me 5 minutes, and you will...
"Discover The Single, Little-Known But Incredibly Powerful Key Used By Top Internet Marketers in the World to Unlock
The Door to an Overflowing Cache of
Wealth, Abundance, and Success!"
"(And that key has NOTHING to do with
any marketing tips, tricks, and tactics!)"
IMPORTANT: We are currently offering this never-released-before information with a very special time-limited bonus... so please read on!
Sun. November 17, 2002
From: Rick Beneteau
An entrepreneur applied just one of the principles in this ebook, and her company's sales increased by $2,177 in the first 9 days (and this occurred during the July 4th weekend while she and her husband took a vacation)! Applying this principle took less than one hour. Best of all, just about anyone can do what she did -- and achieve perhaps the same (or even better) results!
Dear Friend,
Have you ever asked yourself what separates those rare individuals who achieve all the things most of us only dream of -- from those who seem to always stumble and fall searching for them?
Of course you have. Who hasn't! And you know what? The simple answer may well shock you!
The true achievers in this world have one thing in common -- and they use this one thing day in and day out to achieve even more... and build on their amazing successes. Many of them say that this one thing is actually the key to all their successes! In fact, most agree that the next great trend in Internet marketing will be based solely on this one thing!!
What is this one thing? The Simple Use of Their Spirituality to Achieve Great Success!!
Now, before you dismiss this concept as too corny, simple, or impractical, we'll show you below how simple ideas are often the most powerful, and prove why spirituality is, in fact, the key "driver" of enormous success. But first...
Success: A Spiritual Matter
"Astonishing. Unforgettable. Electrifying. These interviews reveal ideas on success almost never spoken about in public, ever. My own interview is the most revealing I've ever given. The others are inspiring, liberating, practical, and amazing. I can't say enough good things about this unusual, wonderful, and heart-felt book. It's a masterpiece."
-- Joe Vitale, author of "Spiritual Marketing," "Hypnotic Writing," and numerous other works
"What can I say, guys -- this ebook IS The Stuff of Success!"
-- Dr. Paul Hartunian, Publicity expert and author of "How to Get $1 Million Worth of Publicity... Free!" |
Discover How Using Simple and Practical Spiritual Practices Can Create the Success You Always Desired! |
"We were born to succeed, not fail."
Henry David Thoreau
This famous writer couldn't speak a greater truth... but what if you don't even know where to begin on the road to success?
Well, the smartest thing to do would be to ask someone who is already very successful. Yet, what would the chances be that even one super-successful, 'household name' entrepreneur would give you hours of their valuable time to share with you the precious secrets that have been responsible for their great success?
advice from:
Michael Angier
Bob Burg
Michel Fortin
Joan Gustafson
John Harricharan
Paul Lemberg
Michael Norwood
Drew Rozell
jl scott
Yanik Silver
Tony Trupiano
Joe Vitale
Chris Widener
Most likely between slim and none... unless you paid their very expensive consulting fees...
That's where we come in. Over three months in the making, Success: A Spiritual Matter doesn't just contain the insights of one successful entrepreneur -- you'll gain the powerful, in-depth insights and secrets of more than a dozen of the most successful online entrepreneurs on the planet.
We asked carefully crafted questions that made Internet celebrities such as Joe Vitale, Yanik Silver, Bob Burg, Dr. Michel Fortin, Joan Gustafson, and best-selling authors including John Harricharan and Dr. Michael Norwood, dig deeply into their souls to reveal the real stuff that success is made of.
And we'll tell you right now, it has absolutely nothing to do with the latest marketing tip, trick, or tactic!
Many of these highly respected contributors actually told us they have never admitted and shared the things they have in this ebook!
And frankly, we were blown away by the life-changing information they revealed!
For example, in Success: A Spiritual Matter you'll discover:
The primary obstacle to achieving amazing success... and how to overcome it! |
How Joe Vitale, the world's first Hypnotic Marketer, turned what could have been a devastating situation -- being laid off from his job -- into one where he became a best-selling author. |
The one question best-selling author Bob Burg always asks that serves as a no-fail barometer on whether or not he should take any specific action -- and how you can use this same question to produce exceptional results for yourself! (Hint: It's not what you think.) |
How Yanik Silver, a leading expert on creating automatic, moneymaking Web sites, applies his spiritual principles to make money AND overcome fear. |
Why so much of what most people believe to be true about achieving success is completely wrong -- and how to easily "re-learn" the simple success principles that produce the results you want. |
How (and when) goals can actually hinder -- instead of help -- you achieve amazing success. |
How setbacks can turn into golden opportunities -- and how you can use "failure" as another chance to succeed. |
The people who had the most positive influences on some of the country's most successful marketers -- and where to find that special someone in your life to do the same for you! |
How these marketing leaders have found the courage to pursue their goals with gusto... and how you can uncover the same courage within yourself! |
There's so much powerful information contained in over 200 pages -- we believe you'll want to read it again and again. But more than that, we guarantee that Success: A Spiritual Matter will make a huge difference in how you approach your business, and in doing so, how much more success you will enjoy!
Yet, regardless of how great we may feel this ebook is, the words of people reading these interviews speak much more loudly. So, here's what just a few of the earliest readers have said and allowed us to share with you about Success: A Spiritual Matter:
"I've read probably 1000 books on the topics of business, spirituality, and motivation. Rick Beneteau's book, 'Success: A Spiritual Matter,' is the best I've seen at addressing all these critical issues in one place."
-- Paul Myers, Publisher, TalkBiz News
"A dazzling array of shakin' and bakin' information that is guaranteed to skyrocket and soar your life and your income! Oh... do I wish this was available years ago! The only question you need to ask is, 'How many friends will I tell to buy it?' "
-- Mike Litman, Co-Author #1 Best-Seller of "Conversations with Millionaires: What Millionaires Do To Get Rich, That You Never Learned About In School!" www.mikelitman.com
"You can now throw out almost everything you learned in business school or even in the business world because this ebook will not only change how you do business from this moment forward, it will change your entire trajectory -- straight to the top!
"I will definitely keep this on my ebook desktop for easy and constant reference."
-- Kevin M. Clark, Clark Marketing Group, Inc., GetProfitable.com
"Don't read this book... in one sitting!! It is so powerful you will miss most of it if you go too fast. One chapter per day -- certainly no more than one chapter per hour. If you go faster than that, the power principles from prior chapters will bleed over into the present one, and you'll cheat yourself. This ebook gives people a real roadmap to success beyond their wildest dreams!"
-- John Dealey, Dallas, TX, "Multiple-Millionaire" Helping Other Wonderful People to Become "Multiple-Millionaires" Also
"Take off the gloves because you're not going to need them anymore to fight your way to achieving your goals! Rick, through the honest insight of some of the best minds in business today, has shown you 'the peaceful way' to making major progress in your life!"
-- Colleen Francis, President, Engage Selling "Work less, Sell more, ENGAGE."
"This book is so timely and so important that it is simply a 'must' read for anyone who is in ANY line of business today. It brings you such an amazingly broad range of spiritual insights, attitudes, and approaches that you will find many ideas that resonate deep within you -- regardless of your own spiritual vision or journey, and completely irrespective of your own religion or lack thereof. I learned something new and valuable from every single person you interviewed. This was one of the most enriching and illuminating reads I've enjoyed in many years."
-- Dan Shafer, Best-selling Author, Creativity and Marketing Consultant, and Founder of the Fellowship of One Mind
"One simple principle in this book has helped me rise from a second devastating bankruptcy to earning a very comfortable six-figure income in less than one year! More important, I've never had so much fun in my life than right now, doing what I'm doing. That, to me, is key. If you read the same principles extolled in this book, you will gain knowledge used by some of the biggest earners online right now. And I promise you that, if you apply just one single idea from this book, you or your business will grow many times over." -- Michel Fortin, "The Success Doctor"
"When I was asked to be one of the contributors to this fantastic ebook, Success: A Spiritual Matter, I felt it a rare privilege. Each interview provides us not only with distilled wisdom, but with magical ways of using such wisdom as well. Pick any interview at random and it's easily worth ten times the price of the entire book. You will discover priceless gems buried in each and every page. This is one book that I will return to over and over again." -- John Harricharan, Award-winning Author of the best-seller, "When You Can Walk on Water, Take the Boat" and Creator of the ground-breaking "PowerPause" system for wealth and success.
"This is a great book! In fact, I would go so far as to say it is an IMPORTANT book for anyone who wants to achieve big things. As I read 'Success: A Spiritual Matter,' I found it built in an almost hypnotic manner... as chapter after chapter built upon itself. Even though I have already traveled the same road as many of the people in the book, and I have already achieved greater success than I would have thought possible a few years ago, this book had a big impact on me... a MUCH bigger impact than I expected."
-- Jeff Walker, Publisher, LowRisk.com
"Success is an inside job! 'Success: A Spiritual Matter' teaches you what highly successful people do inside themselves in order to manifest the success we all see on the outside. If you realize there is more to 'making it' than merely trying to motivate yourself or get *pumped-up*, then get this ebook. Model the excellence in others and create your personalized roadmap to lifelong success."
-- Jim Edwards, Co-Author, "eBook Secrets Exposed"
"The interview questions Rick Beneteau compiled in Success: A Spiritual Matter made me probe deeper into the most essential points of my own subject matter regarding becoming a Wealthy Soul than any interview I've ever had. This includes interviews with the country's most prestigious newspapers and magazines, as well as interviews by numerous well-known radio and television hosts. Thanks, Rick, for such in-depth questions that allowed me to uncover things I never before shared."
-- Dr. Michael Norwood, Best-selling Author, www.WealthySoul.com
"Priorities changed for me -- suddenly, without warning, without preparation. It appears that is recently true for many people. The struggle to find balance, passion, fulfillment, and success escalated to a NEED. This book, 'Success: A Spiritual Matter,' provides insights blended from work and family life in such a way that anyone can see how to have balance and still be 'successful.' In fact, I walked away from the book feeling that the balance itself WAS the success."
-- Nancy Roebke, Executive Director, Profnet, Inc. www.profnet.org
"Rick Beneteau's insightful book contains practical, actionable information on how highly successful people use Universal Laws to achieve great success. Read this book, learn from it, and most importantly -- allow yourself to succeed!" -- Noah St. John, Author of Permission to Succeed, www.SuccessClinic.com
We are truly humbled, and of course very excited, about these comments, as they prove to us that a book like this one is very much needed at this time by any entrepreneur who truly desires the freedom that true success brings.
Good News Does Travel Fast!
In the few short weeks since its launch, Success: A Spiritual Matter has already become an instant top-seller and broken every record we know of. We expected this humbly only because of the well-known and highly respected contributors who made this ebook possible... and the fact that good news travels very fast over the Internet. Plus, we're pretty good marketers too. ;-)
We're going to prove this to you by pulling out all the stops to get our ebook into your hands... and as many hands as possible... to make this debut the most successful ever.
So Here's the (Great) Deal...
You can now get Success: A Spiritual Matter for just $49.97. This, of course, is very inexpensive for the virtual goldmine of powerful information you'll find yourself reaching for and using again and again. We realize we could have charged much more -- again, just ask for the hourly consulting rates from just one of these master-marketers... and you'll understand why.
And buckle up as we have 4 very special bonuses awaiting you:
Bonus #1: As if it isn't enough to have so many powerful, busy entrepreneurs take the time to share their deepest beliefs (an amazing feat all by itself), we arranged to conduct a private, 30-minute "live" interview with America's Foremost Business Philosopher, Mr. Jim Rohn!!
That's right. We spent a half hour asking this business legend 10 power-packed questions... to which Jim responded with even more powerful answers. This interview alone would sell for more than the price of our ebook, but you'll have the opportunity to both hear -- and read the transcript of -- this rare and wonderful interview from one of the most influential forces in business today!
Bonus #2: Even if you're not a football fan, you probably will have heard of the 120 Million-Dollar man, Drew Bledsoe. The superstar quarterback of the Super Bowl Champion New England Patriots (and now with Buffalo) took time out of his tremendously busy schedule to write an exclusive article that only purchasers of Success: A Spiritual Matter will ever read -- powerful stuff to say the least!
Bonus #3: Just after September 11, 2001, Rick was inspired to create a "chart" that garnered some of the most amazing responses he has ever received... and that only subscribers to his PeopleBuildingPeople.com site have ever seen. The beautifully inspiring In My Life will be yours instantly as soon as you order Success: A Spiritual Matter!
Bonus #4: Audri Lanford interviewed best-selling author and popular speaker John Harricharan, who has worked with world-renowned figures from Muhammad Ali to Richard Bach. The result was a one-hour seminar called "A Little-Known Business Secret." It got rave reviews from our private members -- they agree that it was perhaps the most motivating (and yet practical) ever! In addition to the little-known secret, John shares:
- Three fail-proof ways to get and keep more customers or clients.
- How to increase your sales without increasing costs.
- How to get your employees thinking and acting like owners -- and coming up with ways to make your business more profitable!
This audio interview is yours instantly when you order Success: A Spiritual Matter!
Special Time-Limited Bonus If You Order Today!
For a VERY limited time, we have made special arrangements for you to receive yet another bonus!
Usually, the most difficult part of gaining the benefits from what you learn is figuring out how to best implement the ideas. Therefore, we've created a multi-week inspirational -- and practical -- follow-up e-course to help you gain the most from Success: A Spiritual Matter.
We've asked a number of our contributors to participate and help create this e-course. Each week, you'll receive an email with one contributor's answer to the question: "What is the single idea you'd like to share that will make the biggest difference to our readers as they move forward, implement, and live the ideas in this ebook?" This e-course will make sure that you gain the maximum benefits -- and success! -- from this program.
And as always, your purchase of Success: A Spiritual Matter is backed up with...
Our "Ironclad, Unconditional, Nothing to Lose" Guarantee
Our guarantee is simple and absolute: If, for any reason whatsoever, you aren't thrilled with your ebook... if you feel it's not worth many, many times what you paid for it... just tell us within 30 days, and we'll give every penny of your money back. No questions. No kidding. You're the sole judge.
And, we're so certain that you'll gain specific, actionable ideas from this powerful information -- as well as inspiration -- that we are offering this additional guarantee:
Our second guarantee is profound: We believe Success: A Spiritual Matter will help you create miracles in your business life. Decide the results you want to achieve: whether it's earning an extra $500 this month (more than 10 times the price of this ebook); landing a great new client; or adding 20% to this month's bottom line. Whatever you choose.
Then, apply a couple of the ideas from the ebook that especially resonate with you. If the information contained in Success: A Spiritual Matter does not help you achieve the result you want within 30 days -- and you are the sole judge of this -- then we actually want you to request a refund. :-)
That's how convinced we are that doing business based on your spiritual principles is not only the right thing to do -- it's also very practical -- and the key to your success!
OK, You Need to Act Now to Get our Limited-Time-Only Special Bonus!
Remember, you get Success: A Spiritual Matter, these four great Bonuses, PLUS the multi-week inspirational -- and practical -- follow-up e-course to help you gain the most from Success: A Spiritual Matter, when you order now.
You have nothing to lose and SO much to gain -- so why wait one moment longer?
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